This phase of engagement has ended.



  • Development consent granted for Equinor’s Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Extension Projects.

    April 17, 2024




    In Progress

  • Scoping Report published

    October 2019




    Scoping Report published and public information day at Aylsham.
  • Scoping Opinion received

    November 2019




    Scoping Opinion received from the Planning Inspectorate.
  • Publication of the Statement of Community Consultation

    July 2020




  • Phase One Consultation

    July 2020




    August 2020

    We held our phase one consultation to receive feedback on our early stage proposals.
  • PEIR publication

    April 2021




    Publication of the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR). The PEIR describes the proposed project and sets out the potential impacts, including the environmental, social and economic effects and mitigation measures proposed.
  • Phase Two Consultation

    April 2021




    June 2021

    We held our phase two consultation to receive feedback on our updated proposals.
  • Targeted Consultations

    January 2022




    May 2022

    We held our targeted consultations for Temporary Offshore Works Area and Compound Locations.
  • Public Information Days

    March 2022




    Public Information Days were held between 7th-10th March 2022 to allow the public to find out more information, meet the team and ask questions about the project.
  • DCO Application submitted to PINS

    September 2022




    Submission of DCO application to the Planning Inspectorate for public examination.
  • DCO Application accepted by PINS

    October 2022




    The Planning Inspectorate accepted the DCO application for public examination.
  • Public Examination by PINS

    January 2023




    July 2023

    The Planning Inspectorate held three rounds of Examination Hearings to inform their recommendation to the Secretary of State as to whether to project should be granted consent or not.
  • PINS making a recommendation decision to the Secretary of State

    July 2023




    October 2023

    The Examination period closed on 17 July 2023. PINS has three months to write its report and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State.
  • Anticipated decision from Secretary of State

    January 2024




    The Secretary of State has three months to make a decision about whether to grant SEP and DEP consent or not.