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SEP and DEP Community Q&A Session Tuesday 11 May 2 pm - 4 pm: Onshore substation and grid connection

Tomorrow on Tuesday 11 May we are hosting our first Community Q&A Session for the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project (SEP) and Dudgeon Extension Project (DEP).

This session will be focused on the onshore substation and grid connection , however if you are unable to attend your preferred event, any questions will be answered in this session.

Based on community feedback, we have now extended all Community Q&A Sessions to last for two hours . This session will run from 2 pm – 4 pm and can be accessed via the following link:

If you have internet connectivity issues, or prefer to use a phone, it is also possible to dial-in to the event from a phone. Please note that if you dial in you will only receive the audio element of the Community Q&A Session. Those attending via phone can raise their hand by dialling *9 to ask a question to the project team. To join via phone, please dial one of the numbers below:

  • +44 203 481 5240
  • +44 131 460 1196
  • +44 203 051 2874
  • +44 203 481 5237
  • Then enter the corresponding Webinar ID: 868 1009 9995

    Before attending our Community Q&A Sessions, we recommend watching the relevant recording of the presentations given by the SEP and DEP project team to elected members during the webinars held from Monday 26 - Wednesday 28 April. These are viewable by clicking here.

    A detailed step-by-step guide for how to access the Community Q&A Session is available on our consultation website, by clicking here.

    If you have any questions about our community Q&A sessions, or our proposals for SEP and DEP, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the information lines below.


    Freephone: 0808 1963 673


    Posted on 10th May 2021

    by Lily