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SEP and DEP Accepted for Examination

On 5 September 2022, Equinor submitted an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for SEP and DEP to the Planning Inspectorate, who act on behalf of the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). On 3 October, the Planning Inspectorate determined that the application met the standards to be accepted for examination. All of the documents that comprise the application are available to be viewed by the public on the Planning Inspectorate's website here, or on this website below, as well as in person at North Norfolk Council Offices NR 27 9EN and Thorpe Lodge NR7 0DU.

Any person who was interested in becoming an 'Interested Party' could register and submit a Relevant Representation to the Planning Inspectorate by 14 November 2022. All of the representations that have been made are now available to view on the Planning Inspectorate's website here. At this time, the project is now reviewing the relevant representations and preparing for the examination stage.

Posted on 8th December 2022

by Emily Sharp