This phase of engagement has ended.


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Consultation Summary Report

Thank you to those of you that took part in our phase one consultation on the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and Dudgeon Extension Project.

Your comments are being considered as we develop our proposals. We have produced a Consultation Summary Report to provide an overview of the feedback we received on our early stage proposals, and the next steps for the project moving forward. To view the Consultation Summary Report, please click here.

During our phase one consultation, we welcomed over 1,700 visitors to our virtual exhibition and received almost 300 pieces of feedback.

Our second phase of consultation is indicatively planned for spring 2021, where we hope to hold face-to-face consultation events. In the meantime, if you have any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to get in touch via the contact details below.

All of our consultation materials, including the Consultation Summary Report and materials displayed as part of our phase one consultation, are available to download from our website (

If you have any questions about our proposals or require any printed copies of this leaflet, please do not hesitate to get in touch at the following details:


Freephone: 0808 1963 673


Our dedicated Community Liaison Officer (CLO), Nigel Tompkins, can also be contacted at or 01263 822427 / 07860 206565.

Posted on 3rd November 2020

by Lily Downes